Bibliographic databases containing all the scientific production from Leesu and from related research teams
All Leesu scientific production as well as scientific production from related research teams (Cereve, Cergrene et Labam) is freely available from 2 different databases, allowing selection, uploading and downloading of reference lists according to usual formats :
- Before 2008: Zotero collections of Leesu
- Since 2008: HAL-ENPC and below. Some publication references and thesis prior to 2008 are also present in this HAL-ENPC database.
Scientific production from Leesu, Cereve, Cergrene and Labam published since 2008 on HAL-ENPC database:
This list being automatically downloaded from HAL-ENPC web site, its production may require some time, even beeing blocked if the web site is overcrowded. Be patient !