Doctoral defense of Guilherme Calabro on 7 June 2022 at ENPC
Hello everyone,
Pending the approval of the jury, I am pleased to invite you to my doctoral dissertation defense in environmental sciences entitled: «Measurement of nutrient and contaminant flux dynamics at the water-sediment interface in aquatic environments»
This doctoral research was carried out under the supervision of Régis Moilleron, Bruno Lemaire, Magali Jodeau et Brigitte Vinçon-Leite. It will take place on Tuesday, June 7th at 10am at Navier amphitheater at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, and also online.
The oral defense of my manuscript will be performed in front of :
- Sophie GUILLON, Assistante de recherche, Mines ParisTech (Rapporteure)
- Yves BRUNET, Directeur de recherche, UMR ISPA – INRAe (Rapporteur)
- Christophe RABOUILLE, Directeur de Recherche, UMR LSCE – CNRS (Examinateur)
- Thierry LABASQUE, Ingénieur de Recherche, Géosciences Rennes (Examinateur)
- Régis MOILLERON, Professeur, Leesu – UPEC (Directeur de thèse)
- Bruno LEMAIRE, IPEF, HYCAR – AgroParisTech (Co-Encadrant de thèse)
- Magali JODEAU, Ingénieur-Chercheur, LHSV – EDF R&D (Co-Encadrante de thèse)
- Brigitte VINÇON-LEITE, Directrice de Recherche, LEESU – ENPC (Co-Encadrante de thèse).
You can find attached the summary of my thesis (PDF file).
Please register to participate online or to participate in person here
I hope to see you there!
Best regards,