Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (Leesu)

Dernières publications

--> Url version détaillée , Url version formatée Structure name contains or id is : "409065;155441;135971;102266;212248;578082", Publication type : "('ART')"
Microplastic assessment in remote and high mountain lakes of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan
Maryem Mehboob, Rachid Dris, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi, Muhammad Usman Khan, Riffat Malik
, 2024, pp.143283. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143283⟩
Phosphorus recycling from human excreta in French agroecosystems and potential for food self-sufficiency
Thomas Starck, Tanguy Fardet, Fabien Esculier
, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s10705-024-10367-4⟩
Monitoring microplastics in the Seine River in the Greater Paris area
Cleo Stratmann, Rachid Dris, Johnny Gasperi, Frans Buschman, Adriaan Markus, Sabrina Guerin, A. Dick Vethaak, Bruno Tassin
, 2024, 12, ⟨10.3389/feart.2024.1386547⟩
Litter in French urban areas — Part 2: transport dynamic and fluxes in stormwater
Lauriane Ledieu, Romain Tramoy, David Mabilais, Sophie Ricordel, Marie-Laure Mosini, Alexandra Mosset, Bernard Flahaut, Laetitia Pineau, Zoé Bridant, Eric Bouchet, Clémence Bruttin, Fabrice Rodriguez, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi
, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s11356-024-33774-0⟩
Fluorescence spectroscopy for tracking microbiological contamination in urban waterbodies
Natália Angelotti de Ponte Rodrigues, Rémi Carmigniani, Arthur Guillot-Le Goff, Françoise S Lucas, Claire Therial, Manel Naloufi, Aurélie Janne, Francesco Piccioni, Mohamed Saad, Philippe Dubois, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
, 2024, 6, ⟨10.3389/frwa.2024.1358483⟩


Membre de

Post-doctorante - UPEC

1. Contact

Contact  : maolida.nihemaiti(AT)

Adresse professionnelle  : Faculté des Sciences et Technologie, MSE 312, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), rue Pasteur Vallery Radot, 94010 Créteil Cedex

Téléphone professionnel  : +33(0)1 82 39 20 79

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2. Thèmes de recherche

  • UV-based advanced oxidation (UV/H2O2, UV/persulfate) of wastewater effluent, degradation kinetics of micropollutants, identification of transformation products by high-resolution mass spectrometry,
  • Formation potential of disinfection by-products (DBPs) during chlorination and chloramination of natural organic mattter and model compounds, identification of new DBPs,
  • Inactivation of antibiotic resistant batceria and degradation of plasmid-based antibiotc resistance genes (ARG) during conventional disinfection and UV-based advanced oxidation processes, transformation of ARG to non-resistant receipent cells

3. Recherches en cours

My current research focuses on the UV and UV-based advanced oxidation of wastewater effluents. Non-target screening using high resolution mass spectrometry (Vion IMS QTof, Waters) is applied to comprehensively characterize micropollutants and their transformation products during oxidative treatment. Formation potential of disinfection by-products (e.g., trichloromethanes, haloacetonitriles, nitrosamines) is additionally monitored using GC-MS due to the presence of organic nitrogen and halide precursors in wastewater. Chemical characterization of wastewater effluent exposed to oxidative treatments will be combined with various toxicity tests (e.g., zebrafish larvae tests, in vivo cell tests).

These research activities are conducted within ANR WaterOmics research project : characterization of micropollutants and their transformation products in wastewater during UV-based advanced oxidation processes,

4. Responsabilités collectives

5. Parcours professionnel

Période Emploi/poste/activité
2018 - Post-doctoral research, Leesu, Paris-Est Creteil University
2015 - 2018 Ph.D in Chemistry, Curtin University, Perth (Australia) : Degradation of Trace Organic Chemicals and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria/Genes during Conventional and Advanced Oxidation Processes, Supervisor Professor Jean-Philippe Croué
2012 - 2014 Master degree in Environmental Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia)
2008 - 2012 Bachelor degree in Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China

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